When Should I Settle Down?
This article was originally published by AskMen UK. Settling down with a serious partner is one of the biggest life decisions that you can make. It’s a complex mix of emotional, financial, logistical and genetic challenges, where making the wrong call on any single element can torpedo the entire enterprise. Anecdotal evidence and advice abounds: there’s the adage that you shouldn’t go for the party monster who you have all the fun with, because someone who’s fun in their twenties is a liability in their thirties and downright dangerous in their forties; there’s the suggestion that you can get an idea of what a female partner will turn into by looking at her mother. Hopefully we’ve all moved on from the days when Dr. Dre advised young men to remember that “ you can’t make a ho a housewife . RELATED : This Is The True Secret To Marital Bliss However, mathematicians think that we’re getting it all wrong – and that rather than depending on vague aphorisms, family resem...