Can The Ketogenic Diet Work For You?
There’s something about the word “diet that elicits a “No thanks, I’ll pass response. Typically it suggests there’s something you have to stop eating or some other restriction that’s going to going to tack an added stress onto the day.
But what if that “diet meant ditching the last few pounds that lead to finally seeing your abs? That’s the lure behind the popular ketogenic diet – the ability to lose fat fast. Basically, the “keto diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat programme. The way it works is that your barely-any-carbs diet induces ketosis, which is a metabolic process in which the body does not have enough glucose (from the carbs) to produce energy so the body instead turns to burning fat.
Typically the ketogenic diet has great health benefits for patients with diabetes or epilepsy. But has also proven a quick way to attack body fat, leaving you leaner and healthier.
Sports dietitian Pam Bede, who manages education for EAS Sports Nutrition, said when she works with athletes on the ketogenic diet she prescribes a ratio of 75%, 20% protein and 5% carbs. But ketosis isn’t just for athletes.
“I really like it for the average person who really wants to get a handle on their diet or just wants to lose a little bit of weight she said. “I consider that average person a gym-goer, sedentary or just wants to look good in their jeans.
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She did warn that the ketogenic diet is not exactly easy to follow for those of us that have been pounding Pret bacon sarnies every morning. But with a higher focus on high-fat foods like avocado, nuts and rib-eye steak, it’s not impossible. It just requires some planning. “Lots of eggs, she added. “If you’re going to go keto and you want to have breakfast, eggs will be your best friend.
The ketogenic diet has elements of the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet and can be achieved by avoiding grains, fruits, dairy products and starch-filled vegetables like squash. But green vegetables, butter, olive oils, meat, chicken and fish are all acceptable for your plate.
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The benefits extend beyond athletes though. Besides kicking those last few pounds around your gut, the ketogenic diet has been proven to leave you less hungry, which helps to avoid overeating. It has also been proven to improve HDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.
The keto diet, because of its lack of sugar and increased fat intake, also helps prevent muscle inflammation, which helps with muscle gains.
There are some drawbacks, though. People suffer from what’s known as the “keto flu which is the result of feeling tired and dehydrated. Your body is used to burning glucose from carbs, a more high-octane energy source. Fat is a more inefficient energy source. The dehydration is because carbs attract water to the body. Bede says you can tackle this by replenishing electrolytes (but not with a sports drink like Lucozade which also has sugar). High potassium fruit like bananas, raisins and avocado can help, as well as adding salt to your food. You can also try beef broth or bouillon to make sure your sodium and magnesium levels are on par.
Bede also suggests that you already have a plan in place before you jump into this new diet. “You can’t just wake up and say, “OK today is the day I start keto, she said. That’s a solid way to fail. You’ve got to plan ahead for the foods you’ll need to avoid. Plus if you’re training heavily, it may have an effect on your performance. Bede suggests trying this diet during an “off-season or a period when you’re experimenting with your training.
One other benefit Bede highlighted with the keto diet is your body’s ability to train itself to access fat for energy. So if you try keto and then return to a more traditional diet with more carbs, your body will still be conditioned to access fat for energy.
Research hasn’t yet proven the long-term benefits of the keto diet, but like trying any diet plan, your best bet is to figure out what works most effectively for you.
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