Strength vs Size: How To Get Big, Get Strong or Do BOTH
Three of the most common reasons a person ever steps into a gym and picks up a weight is because they: Want to build muscle. Want to increase strength. Want to do both equally. In those first 2 cases, the game plan seems obvious enough. Find a proven workout routine aimed specifically at that one goal and train your ass off using it. Makes perfect sense, right? Apparently not, because I see people disagreeing with this statement all the time. They’ll argue that getting big and getting strong aren’t mutually exclusive, and there should be no real difference in the way a person trains for either goal. The question is, are they right? Just what is the difference (if any) between training to build muscle , training to get strong and training for an equal combination of strength AND size? Let’s find out… Strength And Size Are The Same, But Different The first thing you need to know is that these goals, while definitely different, are very closely related to each ...